Get to Know Your Spokane Fire Fighters Benefit Trust

We’ve got some new faces on our Trustee board and we thought it would be a good reminder to know who’s on your side as we evolve to provide members with the best healthcare experience possible. Learn more about what we do and the history of our trust.

Your Trustees from left to right: Lee Venning, Randy Marler, Chris Munoz, Shane Skipworth, Mike Forbes, Marissa DeLaMatter, Nate Cover, Joanna Balin.

2 women fire fighters hugging

Thank you to our fire fighter sisters for your participation in our healthcare survey

We genuinely want to thank all the women who participated and provided invaluable feedback to the Trust via the survey we conducted earlier this year. We were presented with the results and are seriously considering the data we received and what we heard. More to come on this subject at a later date, while we consider some options.

Speaking of keeping you healthy, this older 2019 study by the U.S. Fire Administration and FEMA called, Emerging Health and Safety Issues Among Women in the Fire Service is still a good resource. 

Birthday coming up? Schedule Your Fire Fighter Medical Exam

Can’t remember when you scheduled your last exam? Here’s an easy way to get it done—schedule your annual exam in your birth month. This will not only help you remember, but it spreads out appointments making it easier for everyone to get in to see their docs. Call Maranda at 509-598-7749 before the September 30, 2023 deadline, because that way you’ll also earn the additional $500 VEBA contribution for 2024.


Getting into documents and forms on the website

It’s been awhile since we sent this out. If you need to access forms on our site, the page is password protected. Contact our webmaster Jen Pennington.