Retirement & Spousal Benefits

Fire fighter dad with 3 boys

Frequently Asked Questions

Reaching retirement age? You probably have questions about your benefits. How will they change? What is your spouse eligible to receive? And who do you contact when issues arise? The answers to these questions and more are below.

Retirement & Spousal Benefits

Can I have my retiree premium deducted from my DRS check?

Yes, if you authorize a deduction, your premium can be deducted.

When I reach Medicare age, can my spouse continue this policy until they reach Medicare age?

Yes, your spouse can continue the under 65 retiree coverage until they are eligible for Medicare themselves.

Will the Trust offer a Medicare supplement plan? Will my spouse be eligible for that?

All retired IAFF Fire Fighters and their eligible spouses are eligible to purchase MediGap and Medicare Supplemental coverage offered through the Northwest Fire Fighters Trust. Contact their office at: (866) 265-5231.

Who do I contact for retiree health information?

Contact the Trust Office at (888) 563-0665 ext. 3320

Can my spouse continue my retiree benefits coverage after my death?

Yes, spouses of retired members can continue the under 65 retiree coverage or the Medicare options (if spouse is Medicare eligible) even after the death of the firefighter.


Be sure your beneficiary designation is up to date. To designate or make changes to your beneficiaries, or for general questions about your plan, contact the Trust office at (888) 563-0665. Life insurance proceeds are payable to the last person you listed as your beneficiary, so check periodically and make changes if necessary.